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WB Wachovia or C Citycorp when it is time for proletarians to own banks? May 31, 2006

Posted by deminvest in C Citycorp, Dogs of the Dow, investment, Single stocks, stock I own, stocks, WB Wachovia.

Yes it is time for us, the people, the poor to own the same banks where we humbly enter intimidated by the magnificence of their solid institutional looks. That mainly for two reasons:

1) We understand very well what banks do (and do to us, their humble customers!)

2) Us banks are extremely successful and competitive businesses amazingly cheap to buy.

3) We can now buy banks for peanuts… Yes I already said that on 2)… But I like the idea, don’t you?

4) I believe that World (and US) economy is still strong and stock prices will soon restart to grow.

