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Sold Chevron, Intel and Nvidia yesterday, to cash in gains in such uncertain times. September 5, 2007

Posted by deminvest in Chevron (CVX), CVX, growth stock, INTC, Intel, investment, my free stock, nasdaq, Nasdaq stock, NVDA Nvidia, risky investments, Single stocks, stock I own, stocks, zecco.

My “free shares strategy tells me to wait till a stock goes up 40%, then sell enough of it to get my invested money back. This time I went a little bit out of the strategy and got back my invested money on 3 stocks that were up 30% only:

Ticker Company Transaction date shares sold price
NVDA NVIDIA Corporation Sell Sep 4, 2007 19.00 51.85
INTC Intel Corporation Sell Sep 4, 2007 40.00 26.26
CVX Chevron Corporation Sell Sep 4, 2007 12.00 88.44

I went out of my strategy because I don’t like how Wall Street looks. (more…)

My first zero cost transaction at zecco.com: BUY 25 NVDA shares June 16, 2007

Posted by deminvest in Internet stocks, investment, investment strategies, low cost, NVDA Nvidia, stocks, zecco.

I did it today! It felt really really good to trade without commissions for the first time in my life: WOW!

Free Trade at zecco

my first impressions:

  1. Zecco’s website is clumsy and slow. Takes too long to get where it counts: the Trading Center
  2. There are trading options that I don’t understand. Transactions can be “Buy”, “Sell”, “Short” or “Cover”. I know how to use the first two, but I do wonder what would happen if I simply shorted a stock.
  3. Order Type can be: “Market”, “Limit”, “Stop”, “Stop limit” or “VTSO”. Again I do undersstand the first two: I can buy at market price or I can set a limit to how much I want to pay. I also understand “Stop limit” because underneeth you can decide the STOP (meening that, if a share reaches a certain price the transaction will trigger) and the limit is how much I accept to pay. I don’t understand what happens if I set a Stop without a limit and I don’t have a clue about “VTSO” order type.
  4. Duration can be: “day” or GTC=”good till canceled”. I understand both. (more…)

Should I buy Nvidia (NVDA) stock today? June 15, 2007

Posted by deminvest in growth stock, nasdaq, Nasdaq stock, NVDA Nvidia.


Yet another high growth stock with honest P/E ratios:

Trailing P/E: 31.58

Forward P/E: 19.13

Qtrly Revenue Growth (yoy): 23.8% (more…)